Prompts saved by @tioluwani-princess
26 runs
1 saves
2 years ago
Make your first date perfect. Enter your date's name and interests, and we'll suggest a personalized dating plan and conversation topics. This ensures you have a memorable time and a lot to talk about that fits both of your interests.
Basic Emotion Analysis
Created by @lowtech-ai-skills
6 runs
1 saves
2 years ago
Enter a writing sample and receive three emotions the author conveys through their tone and word choice.
45 runs
2 saves
2 years ago
Make your presentation stand out! Enter your topic and the template will generate a catchy title and three key points to cover in your opening slide.
Birthday Text for a Friend
Created by @jack
19 runs
1 saves
2 years ago
Generate a brief, lighthearted text to send to a friend on their birthday. Enter in a number 1-10 to specify how close you are with this person! (10 means a best friend, 1 means you barely know them)
35 runs
8 saves
2 years ago
Curious about a topic? This tool is your new best friend. Just type in any topic and it will generate a question-related title for you. It's perfect for sparking interest in your next blog post or social media update. It's quick, catchy and ensures your content stands out in the crowd.
75 runs
5 saves
2 years ago
Boost your LinkedIn game! Craft an attention-grabbing post and share articles with style. Use this prompt to create a catchy LinkedIn post based on any article, summarize its key points, and emphasize its importance. Just enter the complete article text and let the magic begin!
16 runs
3 saves
2 years ago
Your personal advertising assistant. We'll help you create a compelling campaign for a product or service of your choice. You give us a request and we'll think about audience, key messages, slogans, media channels for promotion, and additional activities to reach your goals. Start by providing your first suggestion request like "I need help creating an advertising campaign for a new type of energy drink targeting young adults aged 18-30." Unleash your inner Don Draper!!
Effortlessly Access CEO Knowledge
Created by @aaditsh
9 runs
1 saves
2 years ago
Get answers to your tough questions from Fortune 500 CEOs! Enter your question and get tips from industry leaders on how to tackle it. See the company and CEO name before their response.
40 runs
2 saves
2 years ago
Discover history with a twist! This prompt helps you generate a paragraph describing the history of any country ('pais') in Spanish and provides an English summary of that information. It's useful for language learning, historical research, or just satisfying your curiosity. Just enter the country and let the AI do its job!
Company Insights in Seconds
Created by @jack
411 runs
6 saves
2 years ago
Get quick insights on any company. Enter the company name and find out what they offer, their key competitors, and more!
12 runs
1 saves
2 years ago
Ace your test with ease! Enter the name of your test and the specific subject area you're finding tough, and get a personalized study guide with key concepts and effective study tips.
Value Proposition Generator
Created by @matthew
8 runs
2 saves
2 years ago
Maximize your business opportunities! Enter a problem and its solution, and get 3 distinct formal write-ups of the value proposition. This helps you convey the worth of your solution in various styles and tones, useful for different audience types.
38 runs
3 saves
2 years ago
Get a quick summary and analysis of any book! Enter the book title and author name to get 5 key points to discuss.
Example Essay Generator
Created by @michael-cai
37 runs
3 saves
2 years ago
Input a language and prompt to guide how the essay should be written. Also include a comma-separated list under "things to include" to further customize what the essay should be like. Note, this tool should be used ONLY to generate example essays for inspiration.
97 runs
3 saves
2 years ago
Input your desired functionality and get the formula for a Google Sheets cell. Also includes explanations for any complex built-in functions used. Note that there may be many ways to accomplish your desired formula, so be as specific as possible. For example: "Add A2 and D2. If it's higher than C2, output TRUE. Otherwise output FASLE"
11 runs
1 saves
2 years ago
Create killer business cards! Enter in the person's details and get suggestions for a creative business card that will leave a lasting impression and start a conversation.
Quickly Master Any Skill
Created by @lowtech-ai-skills
41 runs
2 saves
2 years ago
Master any skill quickly with this step-by-step guide! Enter the skill you want to learn and get 5 key points to focus on for mastery.
48 runs
2 saves
2 years ago
Enter a number for shift and a message to encrypt. The cipher will shift each letter of the message by the shift amount. Output will be the encrypted message.