Prompts saved by @firdaus-kapin
9 runs
2 saves
6 months ago
Need to write a formal letter? Look no further. This tool will help you create a professional letter to anyone with a specific purpose. Just enter the recipient's name and address, the purpose of the letter, the main content, and your name.
564 runs
9 saves
a year ago
Craft your perfect syllabus with ease! This tool generates a comprehensive and engaging syllabus for any college course. Just input the course name, duration, and topic, and get a syllabus that will inspire your students. Use the generated syllabus as a starting point and customize it further to perfect it.
Kenduri Planner
Created by @firdaus-kapin
2 runs
1 saves
6 months ago
Planning a kenduri party? This tool will help you create a balanced menu. Just enter your theme and number of guests, and get the perfect menu.
97 runs
3 saves
2 years ago
Input your desired functionality and get the formula for a Google Sheets cell. Also includes explanations for any complex built-in functions used. Note that there may be many ways to accomplish your desired formula, so be as specific as possible. For example: "Add A2 and D2. If it's higher than C2, output TRUE. Otherwise output FASLE"
Company Insights in Seconds
Created by @jack
411 runs
6 saves
2 years ago
Get quick insights on any company. Enter the company name and find out what they offer, their key competitors, and more!