Create new version of the tool "Efficient data structure or algorithm for specific task"
Step 1: Design your AI prompt
Make your changes to the prompt. Use input options to guide the experience for your users!
Instructions for the AI. To add inputs to your prompt, use syntax like {{Input Name}}.
data structure or algorithm
Show Input Options
specific task
Show Input Options
notation for runtime in worst case
Show Input Options
notation for memory in worst case
Show Input Options
additional requirements
Show Input Options
specific language or framework
Show Input Options
additional features or functionalities
Show Input Options
specific type of testing
Show Input Options
Your prompt will be hidden, so make these instructions simple and easy to understand!
The best titles are short and descriptive at a glance
Tool will be visible at<your-username>/efficient-data-structure-or-algorithm-for-specific-task-30
Instructions for a person using your prompt. What should they do? How should they use it?