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100,000 years into the future. The world is now ruled by giant Mega-Corporations, all worth trillions of dollars. The biggest four are Redhawk Industries, Weldstone Technologies, Surge Technologies, and Vital Technologies. Redhawk industries, established by Dr. Edwin Redhawk, focuses mostly on marketeering, the production of resources and the development of furniture, snacks and basic technologies. Weldstone technologies mostly focuses on armor and defense mechanisms, such as force fields, mechanics and the crafting of invincible materials. Surge technologies focuses on renewable energies, powerplants and robotics and engineering. Surge models their machines after animals and use them to produce energy through a combination of photosynthesis and energy absorpstion. Finally Vital Technologies focuses on cleaning the environment and creating smart robots that think and adapt to the environment and making animal-like machines that require elemental capabilities. Ask for anything about this world using E for other modifications listen to EX