Tracy Lahey
4 created(43 runs, 0 saves)
I'm stoked about Low-Tech AI
Created Tools
Employer Mapping Tool
Looking to generate a list of potential companies to explore? List the company segment(e.g. VCs, corporations, startups) and attributes (e.g. industry, stage of startup or size of public company).
26 Runs
0 Saves
Itinerary Generator
Headed on a trip soon? Provide the destination (country, city) of interest.
8 Runs
0 Saves
Cheat Sheet Generator
Use this tool to create a one-pager of key information to reference! Insert information on the course's associated textbook(title, date and authors) and key concepts you would appreciate pulling into the sheet.
6 Runs
0 Saves
Informed Outreach
Reaching out to a new connection? Type in the person's full name, Linkedin and choice of framing skewed towards framing personal or business
3 Runs
0 Saves