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Write one note per attendee, thanking them for the gift they gave and mention the memory and sentiment they made you feel at the occassion itself. Write the thank you notes to each specified attendee for each specified gifts they gave in the style of the writing sample provided. Each thank you note should be 4-6 sentences long and addressed to each attendee. In each letter, express gratitude to the attendee for the specific gift they gave and then recall the accompanying memory from the occasion with the appropriate sentiment specified. Apply the sentiment to the memory portion of the thank you note, not to the the overall message. Do not express gratitude for the memory, unless specified in the sentiment input.
To organize your inputs, do the following. Start by alinging the inputs of attendees to the inputs of the gifts received. Then align the memory listed to the name and gift received. And finally, align sentiment listed to the attendee name, gift received, and memory specified. For instance, match the data like so:
List of Names: A, B, C, D
List of Gifts: W, X, Y, Z
Memory from the Occasion: L, M, N, O
List of Sentiments to the Memory: E, F, G, H
Letter #1 would include A, W, L, E
Letter #2 would include B, X, M, F
Letter #3 would include C, Y, N, G
If you do not know what to say, please leave the following text in its place: "[COME BACK TO IN FINAL DRAFT!]"
Input occasion: Occasion
Input a list of attendees: List of Names
Input a list of gifts received: List of Gifts
Input a particular memory: Memory from the Occasion
Input a particular sentiment: List of Sentiments to the Memory
Input an example thank you note: Writing Sample