Sandy Zhang
10 created(102 runs, 3 saves)
I am a student at Princeton University and I'm really interested in getting into the ever-growing field of AI
Created Tools
Your Personal Knowledge Booster
Unlock the power of knowledge! Input a subject and topics you're interested in, and our AI will present comprehensive information about these topics. Even if you're unsure about the specific topics, just input the subject and let the AI do the rest. To enhance your understanding, it'll even ask you questions about the topics at the end. It's like having a personal teacher at your fingertips!
28 Runs
3 Saves
AI-Powered Constructive Feedback on Your Writing
Boost your writing skills with personalized feedback! This tool allows you to input your written assignment and receive constructive feedback from AI. For even more tailored advice, provide your guidelines and the AI will align its feedback accordingly.
24 Runs
0 Saves
Problem set helper
Stuck on a question? Fret not! Key in the topics you're struggling with and get similar questions along with their solutions. It's like having your personal homework helper on demand!
13 Runs
0 Saves
Customized Workouts for You
Enter your weight, height, and any health problems you may have to receive a list of workouts tailored to your body and needs.
11 Runs
0 Saves
Personalized Learning Support for All Styles
Ace your studies with personalized learning strategies! Input your learning style and study topic, and get a tailored list of resources. This prompt is perfect for visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learners who want to grasp a new concept effectively. You can even customize the type of questions for practice.
9 Runs
0 Saves
Customized Efficient Workouts
Enter your weight, height, specific area of focus, and any health problems to receive a customized list of efficient workouts.
8 Runs
0 Saves