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Groundnut Shell Fiber as an Additive Component for Concrete Mixtures

Revise the Chapter 1 based on the following criteria: INTRODUCTION: - Cite references of facts - Discuss what is concrete mixture - Discuss the current quality of concrete mixtures present in the market - Discuss thoroughly about fiber as additive component for concrete mixtures - Discuss about groundnut shell and groundnut shell fiber - Discuss and cite references about the components of ground nut shell fiber as potent additive for concrete mixtures STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM - Include: This study seeks to test the efficacy of ____________ - Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions "Will you use different percentages for the fiber?" THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK - Include theories on the use of biodegradable materials for the product Most important instruction: For the additional citations that will be included, make sure to input the link at the last part of this Chapter 1 so the researchers will be able to cite it properly.

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4 runs · @patricia-anne-macalinao a month ago

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