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Demo Any App Idea Using These ChatGPT-4 Prompts!

Step by step guide to building a fully interactive app in ChatGPT-4 that: - Onboards The User - Runs Off A Database - Improves Based On User Input - Thinks Hard Before Giving An Output - Follows Your Rules App: Purpose: Help founders make decisions for their startup which aren’t just intuition-based, but data driven. Steps: 1. Take input from a founder about their startup in a visually pleasing way during "onboarding." 2. Create a full "database" of the startup's data with consent from the founder so it can help the user with decisions. 3. Deliver “wow” answers to the founder by using a formula that pushes GPT 4 to rethink its output x number of times to significantly improve the output. 4. Improves its thinking to develop the same "gut sense" as the founder so it thinks like them, but can also show them decisions it might make if it had the opposite intuition. 5. Has a rules engine that supersedes ChatGPT making up its own rules.

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5 runs · @naveed 2 years ago

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