Prompts created by @michael-cai
Study Plan Generator
Created by @michael-cai
15.3K runs
41 saves
2 years ago
Input time period (ex. 4 weeks) over which you want to learn the subject. Try to be as specific about the subject as possible (e.g., introductory Spanish).
SAQ Grader
Created by @michael-cai
2.9K runs
3 saves
2 years ago
Make sure to include in the prompt whether the response should be in another language.
Analogy Generator
Created by @michael-cai
1.8K runs
4 saves
2 years ago
Input a concept and the AI will generate an analogy that explains the concept.
1.1K runs
0 saves
2 years ago
Input a block of text. The AI model will return connotation/word/phrase choice errors that appear within the text. For widely-understood languages, the AI will automatically detect the language.
Grammar Enhancer Tool
Created by @michael-cai
570 runs
2 saves
2 years ago
Provide an input text and we will return a list of phrases that could be substituted for different grammatical constructions that better describe the situation or avoid repetition.
125 runs
0 saves
2 years ago
The scenario should be in the first person (e.g., I am ordering from a restaurant). For skill level, include some noun (such as beginner, fluent speaker, etc...).
Explain a concept
Created by @michael-cai
80 runs
0 saves
2 years ago
Specify the concept you want to understand as well as the level you want the explanation to be at.
Assignment Idea Generator
Created by @michael-cai
56 runs
1 saves
2 years ago
If the type of assignment is unknown, just input "random" or "miscellaneous" into the field.
Example Essay Generator
Created by @michael-cai
37 runs
3 saves
2 years ago
Input a language and prompt to guide how the essay should be written. Also include a comma-separated list under "things to include" to further customize what the essay should be like. Note, this tool should be used ONLY to generate example essays for inspiration.
Email Generator
Created by @michael-cai
18 runs
0 saves
2 years ago
Input the addressee to whom the email will be sent, specifying the role of the addressee (e.g., a student named Bob). Also, input a general subject the email will be about (e.g., help with math) and points the AI should include in the email. The "points to include" should be a comma-separated list.
18 runs
0 saves
2 years ago
Input a multimedia source (e.g., movie, book, etc) and a topic that the source should cover.
Foreign language chat bot
Created by @michael-cai
12 runs
0 saves
2 years ago
Input the language of choice and begin the conversation!
Describe how the internet works.
Created by @michael-cai
11 runs
0 saves
2 years ago
The given prompt is a baseline off of which any user can expand. To learn more about a specific topic, you can ask follow up questions in the format of something like "why X?" or "what is Y?" If the explanation is still too complicated, try adding "explain like I'm a kindergartener" to ensure a highly understandable explanation. From there you can add to your understanding through follow up questions.
Cultural Conversation Bot
Created by @michael-cai
8 runs
0 saves
2 years ago
Input the desired language and cultural topic.
7 runs
0 saves
2 years ago
Replace "Spanish" with whatever language you want to practice and "the history of Argentina" with whatever topic you want the paragraph to cover. It's intended that you first try translating the paragraph itself and then refer to the English summary to gauge how well you understood the paragraph.
Summarizer for Language Learning
Created by @michael-cai
6 runs
0 saves
2 years ago
To customize the prompt for any topic in any language, replace "Subjunctive Mood" with the desired topic and "Latin" with the language in question. If the output is too confusing, try using follow-up prompts such as "explain like I'm a kindergartener" or "provide an example of X."
Language Lesson Plan Designer
Created by @michael-cai
4 runs
0 saves
2 years ago
Input the topic, foreign language, and target demographic (e.g. high schoolers). The prompt is intended for language-learning, but it can be applied to any subject.
Vocabulary Enhancement Tool
Created by @michael-cai
4 runs
0 saves
2 years ago
Provide an input text. The AI will return a list of words and phrases that should be substituted for synonyms that better describe the situation or avoid repetition.
Written work grader
Created by @michael-cai
4 runs
0 saves
2 years ago
The criteria field dictates what the AI should look out for when grading. If there are multiple criteria, use the term "and" (e.g., "use of the subjunctive and passive voice"). The work field is the field in which the student's work should go.
Resource Finder
Created by @michael-cai
3 runs
0 saves
2 years ago
Given a number and subject, the chatbot will generate a list containing the "number" best online resources for learning the subject.
Grammar/Spelling Error Detection
Created by @michael-cai
3 runs
0 saves
2 years ago
Input a block of text. The AI model will return grammar and spelling errors that appear within the text. For widely-understood languages, the AI will automatically detect the language.
Language-teaching Aid
Created by @michael-cai
2 runs
0 saves
2 years ago
Input the topic and language in question. For instance, "How do I best teach the subjunctive mood in Latin? This prompt is intended for language-learning but can be applied to any subject.
Vocabulary Summary Generator
Created by @michael-cai
2 runs
0 saves
2 years ago
Replace "Chinese" with the language in question and replace the Chinese paragraph with whatever block of text you want to generate a vocabulary summary of. The output will be a list of vocabulary terms; you can specify the number of terms to be returned by adjusting the prompt to "Summarize a list of X vocabulary terms from the following paragraph." Some Chinese characters might not be recognized with certain interfaces, but characters are recognized when inputted into ChatGPT.
Classroom Issue Addresser
Created by @michael-cai
2 runs
0 saves
2 years ago
Input the desired trait and target demographic. A potential prompt could be: "Generate steps on how to improve motivation in a high-school foreign language class."
Sentiment Analysis Tool
Created by @michael-cai
1 runs
0 saves
2 years ago
Provide a text. The AI will determine its sentiment and provide reason behind it. The language will be determined based on the sentence.
Explain a cultural concept
Created by @michael-cai
0 runs
0 saves
2 years ago
For concept, it works best if you use some type of cultural concept that matches with the language used.