John Hancock
2 created(27 runs, 1 saves)
Eager to discover the potential of AI technology
Created Tools
Jordan Peterson GPT
Tell Jordan Peterson Bot about a dilemma you're having, and it will advise you from the "Peterson Prospective", detailing which of the 24 Rules for Life would be most beneficial in solving your current predicament.
21 Runs
1 Saves
Jordan Peterson Bot
Tell the bot about a dilemma you're having, and it will advise you from the "Peterson Prospective", detailing which of the 24 Rules for Life would be most beneficial in solving your current predicament.
6 Runs
0 Saves
Saved Tools
Jordan Peterson GPT
Tell Jordan Peterson Bot about a dilemma you're having, and it will advise you from the "Peterson Prospective", detailing which of the 24 Rules for Life would be most beneficial in solving your current predicament.
21 Runs
1 Saves
Created by @johnhancock