Hagop Alajajian
8 created(46 runs, 2 saves)
I'm a Princeton student studying Computer Science. I'm excited about the future of generative AI because of its wide range of applications, from creating music to designing new products.
Created Tools
Ten Song Recommendations Based on Your Favorite Song
Type in your favorite song in the following format: "SONG TITLE" by ARTIST NAME. Ten other songs that you might like based on your song choice will be recommended in a list.
16 Runs
1 Saves
Learn with a Summary and Related Topics
Type in a topic of your choice to be given a quick summary about it. At the end, there will be a list of five other related terms that are useful and important to also learn about as you explore your topic.
14 Runs
1 Saves
Recommendation for Fine-Tuning
Type in a task (for example, investing in a firm) for a recommendation on if you should use fine-tuning and how to apply it in tandem with generative AI
6 Runs
0 Saves
Financial Management Tool
In order to receive insights into recommendations on how this company can best cut costs and save money, write your company's financial situation, especially what is costing the most.
5 Runs
0 Saves
Ten Vacation Spot Recommendations
Type in an ideal vacation spot you want to travel to. Based on the location choice, the output will recommend a list of ten other vacation spots you might also like to visit around the world.
2 Runs
0 Saves
Competitive Analysis Tool
To investigate competitive analysis in a particular industry, please provide the details to that specific industry. Be as specific as you can be.
2 Runs
0 Saves
Saved Tools
Ten Song Recommendations Based on Your Favorite Song
Type in your favorite song in the following format: "SONG TITLE" by ARTIST NAME. Ten other songs that you might like based on your song choice will be recommended in a list.
16 Runs
1 Saves
Created by @hagop-a