Prompts created by @e3wv
Expert Text Analysis and Summary
Created by @e3wv
21 runs
0 saves
a year ago
Unmask the depths of any text with expert analysis and summary. Simply input the title of the text you want analyzed and get an extensive rundown, including sentiment analysis, word analysis, key findings, and takeaways. It's like having a team of experts at your fingertips!
Analytics with data science
Created by @e3wv
16 runs
0 saves
a year ago
Unleash the power of data with this tool! Just input your dataset and it'll analyze trends and patterns, providing detailed insights. It's like having your own personal data scientist!
Analy dataset
Created by @e3wv
9 runs
0 saves
a year ago
"Analyze this dataset and provide insights on the trends and patterns that you observe."