Industry Primer
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78 runs · @clyde1 2 years ago
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I work in finance. My boss just staffed me on a project in Industry specifically in the region Region . Anything else . I need to know everything that might be relevant on this industry. Can you please create a high level summary for me? Please use the following categories: (1) Industry, (2) Competitive Landscape, (3) Financial Information, and (4) Next Steps. Please lay out information in the below format: (1) Summarize how companies work in this industry. Please answer the following questions: What product or products are they selling? Who are they selling to? How are they selling these products (physical stores, ecommerce, etc.)? How do people mostly buy these products? How big is the market in terms of total revenue or total addressable market size? What innovation, if any, is currently going on in this market? (2) Summarize the key companies in this industry. Who are the 5 biggest companies in this industry? How much market share do they have? What do they do best? (3) Summarize important financial information. How do these companies make money? What are their biggest cost items? (4) Next steps. Summarize anything that would be helpful in terms of next steps, including the best websites or resources I can go to for more information on the industry or to get a better understanding on the industry.