Learn on your own with the help of AI

by Sandy Zhang on Jun 26th, 2023

Using AI to self-teach a subject can be a powerful tool for learning. Here are some steps to help you effectively use AI for self-education
- Utilize AI: AI-powered chatbots can assist you in learning a subject. They can answer your questions, provide explanations, offer examples, and help clarify concepts.
- Use AI for practice: AI-based tools can assist in practice and provide good feedback.
- Create a study plan for yourself: Organize your learning by creating a study plan or schedule. Break down what you wish to learn into smaller topics, set goals for yourself, and allocate time for practice.
Why does one want to self-learn
There are several reasons why self-teaching a subject can be very valuable:
Autonomy: Self-teaching allows you to take control of your own learning experience. You can choose the topics, materials, and resources that match your interests and learning style. This can lead to a more engaging learning experience.
Flexibility: When you teach yourself a subject, you are in control. You can set your own pace and goals. Time can be allocated according to your availability. This flexibility allows you to balance your learning with everything else in your life.
Personalized Learning: Self-teaching enables you to tailor your learning experience to your own needs. You can focus on areas that interest you the most. This personalized approach can lead to a more in-depth understanding of the subject matter.
Cost-Effective: Self-teaching can be cost-effective. With the abundance of online resources, one can often learn a subject without having the burden of financial expenses.

Benefits of AI
With AI, self-learning can get a whole lot easier!
- Get a breakdown of essential topics you need to learn for the subject
- Study terms
- Users can ask for definitions of terms and how they are applied to the subject. The more familiar with the subject’s terms, the easier it is to learn the subject,
- Get questions to help strengthen your understanding
- Questions can range in difficulty and type if you specify, which makes learning more effective. One can ask a range of questions or ask specific questions. They can ask computational questions or comprehension questions. This is all up to the user, making learning really flexible.
- Ask follow-up questions to anything you don’t understand
The power of AI
To illustrate the potential of AI, this article would demonstrate with the subject Java.

When one asks for a breakdown of the subject, ChatGPT gives an answer similar to the one below
Certainly! Here's a breakdown of the essential topics you should learn to understand Java:
1. Core Java Concepts:
- Variables, data types, and operators
- Control flow statements (if-else, loops)
- Arrays and collections
- Object-oriented programming (classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism)
- Exception handling
- Input/output (I/O) operations
2. Java Fundamentals:
- Packages and imports
- Java libraries and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
- Strings and regular expressions
- Handling dates and times
- Generics and type parameters
3. Java Development Environment:
- Setting up Java Development Kit (JDK) and Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA
- Compiling and running Java programs
- Debugging and troubleshooting
4. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts:
- Abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism
- Class relationships (association, aggregation, composition)
- Overriding and overloading methods
- Interfaces and abstract classes
5. Java Collections Framework:
- Lists, sets, and maps
- Iterating over collections
- Sorting and searching collections
- Java Collection API classes (ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, HashMap, etc.)
6. Exception Handling:
- Types of exceptions (checked and unchecked)
- Handling exceptions using try-catch blocks
- Throwing and catching exceptions
- Creating custom exceptions
7. Input/Output (I/O) Operations:
- Reading from and writing to files
- Streams and buffers
- Serialization and deserialization
8. Multithreading and Concurrency:
- Creating and managing threads
- Thread synchronization and locks
- Concurrent data structures and utilities
9. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC):
- Connecting to databases
- Executing SQL queries
- Retrieving and manipulating data
10. Java Frameworks and Libraries (optional):
- JavaFX for building desktop applications
- Spring Framework for enterprise application development
- Hibernate for object-relational mapping
- Apache Maven for build automation and dependency management
It's important to note that this breakdown provides a general overview of the topics you should cover to understand Java. Each topic can be quite extensive, so be prepared to delve deeper into specific concepts as you progress. Additionally, hands-on coding exercises and projects are crucial to reinforce your understanding and gain practical experience with Java programming.
One can also ask for specific terms. To demonstrate, we ask ChatGPT to explain the term “variable”
In Java, a variable is a named storage location that holds a value of a particular type. It acts as a container for storing data that can be manipulated and accessed within a program. Variables are used to store different kinds of information such as numbers, text, and objects.
When you declare a variable in Java, you specify its type and give it a name. The type determines the kind of data that the variable can hold, such as integers, floating-point numbers, characters, booleans, or objects.
Here's an example of declaring and initializing a variable of type integer in Java:
int age; // variable declaration
age = 25; // variable initialization
In this example, the variable `age` is declared with the `int` type, which represents integers. Later, it is assigned the value `25` using the assignment operator (`=`).
Variables can also be initialized at the time of declaration, like this:
int age = 25; // variable declaration and initialization
Java supports different types of variables, including primitive types (e.g., `int`, `double`, `char`, `boolean`) and reference types (e.g., objects, arrays, strings). Additionally, variables can be declared as local variables within methods, instance variables within classes, or static variables within classes.
Variables can be used to store intermediate values, perform calculations, hold user input, and facilitate communication and data manipulation within a program. They provide flexibility and allow you to store and modify data during the execution of your Java programs.
Follow-up questions are also permitted. When one asks for further explanation of the term “variable”, ChatGPT replies with
Certainly! Let's delve deeper into the concept of variables in Java.
1. Declaration:
When you declare a variable, you are essentially stating its existence and specifying its type. Here's the general syntax for declaring a variable:
type variableName;
For example:
int age;
In this case, the variable `age` is declared with the type `int`, which represents integers.
2. Initialization:
After declaring a variable, you can assign an initial value to it using the assignment operator (`=`). This process is called initialization. Here's an example:
int age = 25;
In this case, the variable `age` is both declared and initialized with the value `25` in a single line.
3. Variable Types:
Java supports different types of variables. Some common variable types include:
- Primitive types: These are basic data types provided by Java, such as `int`, `double`, `char`, `boolean`, etc. They store simple values directly.
- Reference types: These include objects, arrays, and strings. Reference variables hold references to complex data structures.
4. Scope:
Variables have a scope, which refers to the region of the program where the variable is accessible. There are three main types of variable scope in Java:
- Local variables: These variables are declared inside a block, method, or constructor and have a limited scope within that block. They are only accessible within the block where they are declared.
- Instance variables: These variables are declared within a class but outside any method. They belong to the instance of the class and can be accessed by all methods and constructors of the class.
- Static variables: Also known as class variables, they are declared with the `static` keyword and have a single copy shared by all instances of a class.
5. Usage:
Variables are used to store and manipulate data in a program. You can perform operations on variables, assign new values to them, and use their values in calculations, conditions, and other program logic.
Here's an example illustrating the usage of variables in Java:
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int x = 5; // declaration and initialization
int y = x + 10; // using variables in an operation
System.out.println("The value of y is: " + y); // printing the result
In this example, the variables `x` and `y` are used to store and manipulate values. The value of `y` is calculated by adding the value of `x` to `10` and then printed to the console.
Variables are fundamental to programming as they allow you to store and manage data dynamically, making your programs more flexible and powerful.
ChatGPT even has the ability to come up with questions if you ask for it
Certainly! Here are some questions about variables in Java:
1. What is the purpose of variables in Java?
2. How do you declare a variable in Java?
3. What is the difference between a primitive type and a reference type in Java?
4. What is the scope of a local variable in Java?
5. Can you reassign a value to a variable declared with the `final` keyword?
6. What is the naming convention for variables in Java?
7. What are the default values for different types of variables in Java?
8. How do you concatenate variables in a string in Java?
9. What is the difference between instance variables and static variables in Java?
10. How can you convert a variable of one type to another in Java?
These questions should help you understand the concepts and usage of variables in Java.
All of these abilities make self-learning a lot easier as most of the resources are right at your fingertips.
To help you take a step towards future learning, a prompt is provided that may help you do so.
To end off, while self-teaching offers numerous advantages it's important to note that it may not be suitable for all individuals. Complex topics may require more guidance or formal education. Additionally, some learners may require the help of more than just themselves and online resources. Nonetheless, self-teaching can be a valuable approach for acquiring knowledge in a broad range of subjects.