Blake Blaze
4 created(16 runs, 0 saves)
Former Naval Officer and current edtech entrepreneur looking to improve learning outcomes and education equity
Created Tools
Business Name Generator
Write a short description of the name of your business. Include any keywords that the title should contain or relate to.
13 Runs
0 Saves
Your Personalized Hosting Recipe Book
Host your perfect event or holiday meal with this prompt! Enter your event, guest count, dietary restrictions, and special requests. You'll get a recipe book with ingredients, equipment, and prep time. Plus, the total servings for each dish. You can even check if there's enough for everyone!
3 Runs
0 Saves
Startup Name Generator
Write a short description of the name of your business. Include any keywords that the title should contain or relate to.
0 Runs
0 Saves
OP reading summarizer
Copy and paste your OP reading here.
0 Runs
0 Saves