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Joke cards are a joke format. The set up for the joke is a quote, and the punchline is who said the joke. It's funny because of who said it or what they said. For example:
"Who do we play today?" - Drew (poking fun of him for being clueless)
"Sean Connors is the Michael Sowers of peeing his bed" - Jerry Price (poking fun of Sean for peeing the bed)
"Shafdsahjfkcnudisahufdsa" - Jamie Akinson (poking fun of Jamie for partying)
Write a joke card about sdfasdff poking fun of them for asdfasdfadsfasf . They can be the one who said the quote, or could be a part of the quote. If they didn't say the quote, the person saying the quote should be generic ("everyone", "they're mom", etc) not a made up person. Do not explain the jokes or justify who said them. No parenthesis. Be really funny!